Saturday, January 16, 2010

Annual Review

Emily: The funniest moment was seeing you jump when Pen sprayed her poop two feet to the mirror. What was your funniest moment?

Derek: Every time she laughs, though I guess that's not so much funny for me as it is funny for her. For me it's complete nirvana.

Emily: That doesn't really answer my question, but I'll take it. What new thing did she do that you found most amazing?

Derek: I find it incredible any time she does something that she couldn't do before. It seems like it just comes out of the blue and it's a reminder that when you talk to her and show her things and play with her, or when she picks something up and sees it, feels it, tastes it, that it really is soaking in, slowly wiring up her brain.

Emily: I have to say, it was her climbing onto her chair and within seconds she is standing on the window sill.

Derek: Is staying home and taking care of her what you expected?

Emily: Harder. I love it, and I'm totally grateful to be able to be home with her; I knew that, but I didn't expect to be that tired. I think that has to do with her still not sleeping through the night, trying to find ways to get her to eat and drink, and keeping her healthy.

Derek: Is there anything about the past year that surprised you?

Emily: I was totally firm about not giving Penelope juice or sugary things. She was only going to have one toy box that limited the amount of toys she owned. Ha! I gave up on those things really fast. I guess I'm more surprised with how fast I changed, or how fast I give up my goals. How about you?

Derek: I'm surprised at how hard it already is to remember what it was like to live without Penelope. I obviously remember our life before her, but it's hard to remember how it felt, to try and go back in time and feel how it was to be me before she arrived because she's just so intrinsically a part of us now. Also I'm constantly surprised or amazed at how Penelope, or any other baby, has such a completely open mind. Nothing is gross, everything is worthy of consideration. That's already been in my mouth? On the floor? Is a dust mite? I want to taste it! And how much energy babies have! Sure, they get their naps, but when they aren't sleeping they are 100% non-stop, soaking in as much of their surroundings as they can until it's time to nap again. And if they have sufficiently absorbed their current surroundings, do they just relax for a bit? Nope - they let you know, not so subtly, that they require some sort of change to their environment. And it better be good. I'm also in awe, though not surprised, at your ability to keep up with her day in and day out and still seem like you have a hold on your sanity.

Emily: Yes, it's like doing a live performance non stop. Do you really think I'm sane? Cause I think I'm crazy. I now understand why all moms are sorta crazy. Ok, what are some quirks of parenthood?

Derek: The few times I go see a movie, I get concerned when the movie gets really loud, as if it will wake Pen up or scare her. Things that I would previously have seen as trash or recycling, are now potential toys.

Emily: I listen to a lot of jazz or easy listening stuff. Her poop and pee takes up way too much of my mind. I think her farts are cute. Ok, we can go on forever. Last thoughts?

Derek: May this be the year that she starts sleeping through the night. But either way, bring it on, I can't wait.

Emily: What is she going to look like with teeth?

Derek: Yeah, is she actually going to grow teeth?

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