Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Update

The girls are silly friends.  Penelope teaches Esme how to growl and tickle.  There's lots of laughter especially in the bath tub.  Penelope just finished 5 weeks of preschool camp.  Esme and I would just roll around the floor at home or run errands.  When we picked up Penelope at school, we played at the park a bit and came home to take a nap.  After nap we had an hour and a half to do something before Esme eats dinner and the girls take a bath.  It was a nice routine, especially the nap part.  

We have three weeks before Penelope starts school again.  Meanwhile, Pen will have soccer and swimming, the girls will go to the zoo, Pen will have playdates, Esme will climb stairs, there will be bike rides, and perhaps Esme will pick up her third word.

I remember how hard it was when Esme was first born.  Now, it's not so hard, it's just really sweet.  Penelope tries hard to be a good big sister and Esme just smiles all the time.