Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Lyla's Pop Pop treated us to an outing to the Children's Theatre today. It was fantastic! This was Lyla and Pen's first live play. Pen was captivated. Those sheep are so stinking cute. Tomorrow we are off to buy the book!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Scout Mint anyone?
I see the space needle!
Go Padres!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We've had some visitors this summer. Penelope's grandparents were in town. Our friend Azadeh introduced Penelope to lots of girly stuff.

Here are some additional pics of Penelope at the zoo.
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Catching Up

Here are some pictures to make up for the lack of posting. This summer Penelope has been playing in the pool on our patio, hiking to Talapus Lake, playing with flour, and hanging out at the wading pool.

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