Sunday, October 27, 2013

Past and Present

Penelope's current bike and her very first bike.
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Thea Visits

Earlier this month, Thea, Derek's cousin, paid us a visit.  It was a blast having her here and hope she comes back soon!

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Salmon Spawning at Cedar Creek

We took the girls to see salmon spawning.  It's pretty amazing.  The salmon we saw months earlier heading up the fish ladder at the Locks have finally reached their birthplace to spawn.  There were thousands at Cedar Creek.

There was five minutes of sun before it started to rain again.

Salmon start off grey, but when they spawn, they turn red.  It's crazy.
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Soccer Season

Penelope played her last game of the season.  She had a fantastic time and will be playing again next year with her soccer buddies.  As parents, we'll miss how fun it was to watch 4-5 year olds play an organized sport.
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Sunday, September 8, 2013


Penelope had her first soccer game this weekend.  She was terrific.  She played awesome defense and always knew which direction her goal was.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Update

The girls are silly friends.  Penelope teaches Esme how to growl and tickle.  There's lots of laughter especially in the bath tub.  Penelope just finished 5 weeks of preschool camp.  Esme and I would just roll around the floor at home or run errands.  When we picked up Penelope at school, we played at the park a bit and came home to take a nap.  After nap we had an hour and a half to do something before Esme eats dinner and the girls take a bath.  It was a nice routine, especially the nap part.  

We have three weeks before Penelope starts school again.  Meanwhile, Pen will have soccer and swimming, the girls will go to the zoo, Pen will have playdates, Esme will climb stairs, there will be bike rides, and perhaps Esme will pick up her third word.

I remember how hard it was when Esme was first born.  Now, it's not so hard, it's just really sweet.  Penelope tries hard to be a good big sister and Esme just smiles all the time.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kaua'i 2013

We celebrated Evelyn and Mac's wedding in Kaua'i June 29th.  That also means family vacation in the sun and sand and pools.  Oh, let's not forget the multiple applications of sunblock every day.  It truly is a beautiful place, but we are so glad to be home and so glad to not be on a plane.  You might be wondering, "wow, do they fly every other month"?  The answer?  Almost.  In August we have one more short flight (thank goodness) and that would make it almost an average of flying every other month.  From the end of September 2012 to the beginning of August 2013, the family will have flown 5 times.  Wha, Wha!!?  We hope that after our August trip, we will have a nice LONG break from flying.  I mean really long.  Come to us!  If you readers out there, I don't know if anyone is reading this, are planning to invite us to your wedding, have it here in Seattle or Portland.  We have awesome food for your wedding.  If you want to have your special big birthday party, have it here in the Northwest, we love to party here.

Here are some photos for your enjoyment.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sun Mountain Lodge

We came back from our first family of four family vacation where we didn't have to fly.  It was wonderful! I'm not a big fan of car trips in general, but not having to go through the airport, be confined in a plane, lose luggage, miss a flight, or just fly with kids in general was nice.  We went to an absolutely beautiful region east of the North Cascades called Methow Valley.  There we stayed at Sun Mountain Lodge.

At the Cowboy Breakfast where we rode a horse drawn wagon to get there.

Penelope's very first time on a horse (White Leg).

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

My Very Special Mom by Penelope

My mom is special because... I love her.
When I am with my mom, we like to... Ride my bike.
I know my mom loves me because... She gives me hugs!

Monday, April 29, 2013


Daddy Daughter Dinner

Penelope's first dance was with her daddy.  The theme was "Under the Sea".  They had some chowder, pasta, muffins that taste like cupcakes, and nibbles under a chocolate fountain.  They danced to tunes like "Rainbow Connection" and hits from the 70's.  
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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Penelope's First Race

With her friends Otto and Wolfie

Here comes Penelope!

You are a winner!
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Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Cousin

Penelope and Esme have a new cousin! I think, I'm just guessing cause Derek and I received a lot a texts. Unfortunately all the texts are in some multimedia format which our non data phones cannot read. But, we wish their aunt Kristina a speedy recovery, Jake many blessings, and baby (boy or girl?) a heartfelt welcome! We are so happy for you guys!

Update: Happy Birthday Neva Katherine Werenko! April 5th, 2013.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Today is the first day Esme and Penelope share a room.  After weeks of colds and extra feedings she's back to where so was with sleep, only two wakings/feeds.  We were hoping to wait till it's just one waking a night, but Esme has started to lift herself standing.  That's not so safe in a pack n play bassinet.  Having her little sister sleep with her in the same room is not the only change for Penelope.  When she turned three, Penelope would get out of her bed and leave her room.  To get her to stay in her room, we would check in on her in 2, 5, and 10 minutes after she's been tucked in bed.  Tonight, we just tucked her in and said good night.  
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Saturday, January 12, 2013


Esme's Baptism

Father Mark, Erin, Guists, and Willy

Penelope's Birthday Party!
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Holidays

Opening Christmas presents

Aunt Kristina visits and dances with Penelope

Derek and Pen go to see The Nutcracker for the first time

Jumping around on New Years Day
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